Say What Now? ANOTHER Daycare Worker Convicted for Running a Baby Fight Club [Photo]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 9 years ago


What is going on with daycare workers running ‘baby fight clubs’?

First, there was this incident.

Then this one — that ended up on Snapchat.


And now this one. Kierra Spriggs has been convicted on child cruelty and assault charges for running her own baby fight club (along with a partner who was convicted in January).

via People:

Kierra Spriggs encouraged 1-year-old children under her supervision at the Minnieland Academy in Woodbridge, Virginia, to fight, the jury found.

The fights were organized to entertain Spriggs and another teacher, Sarah Jordan, who was convicted in January on similar charges.


Both Spriggs and Jordan will be sentenced in May, court officials say.

Spriggs faces more than 20 years behind bars, sources tell PEOPLE.

Spriggs was acquitted of 14 other charges, according to court records.

Spriggs and Jordan were arrested in November 2013 after the state’s Child Protective Services and local police started looking into allegations of abuse at the daycare center.


During her trial, witnesses testified seeing Spriggs stomping on children’s bare feet, dunking them in cold water and throwing them.

The two women also fed the children extremely spicy snacks, and derived amusement from the students’ reactions.

Parents, be careful who you let watch your children.

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