BY: Denver Sean
Published 3 years ago
A 20-year-old man has been accused of allegedly hiding in the attic of a woman he met on OnlyFans.
via People:
In the early morning hours of Feb. 9, the Somersworth Police Department responded to a report of someone hearing another person in their residence.
“Officers on scene located a male suspect on the roof of the residence. After an on-scene investigation, the male was taken into custody for the charge of Burglary. The investigation was furthered, and information was obtained that the suspect was known to the victim from online social media,” a news release posted on the Somersworth Police Department’s Facebook page read.
“It was determined that the suspect drove up to NH from Pennsylvania, and was temporarily staying at an Airbnb in Portsmouth,” the news release continued. “It was determined that the suspect entered the home with the intent to commit theft and invasion of privacy.”
The man, who was identified by police as Mauricio Damian-Guerrero, is charged with four counts of burglary, according to the release.
PEOPLE has reached out to the Somersworth Police Department for additional comment.
Investigators said that Damian-Guerrero broke into the home multiple times and took video of the woman’s private areas while she slept, and that they found a tile tracking device that he admitted he wanted to tape to the victim’s car, according to local news station WMUR.
The woman also told police that the suspect appeared to have been in the attic for a period of time, as she allegedly found food, a cup with urine in it, and a pair of headphones, PhillyVoice reports.
“She gave him her address because he wanted to buy her a TV and fireplace…She never really wanted to meet him, but he was very pushy and eventually she was walking to her car and noticed a car pulled over close to her. She saw him ducking and hiding inside his car,” investigators wrote in an affidavit, per The Miami Herald.
Damian-Guerrero admitted to officers that before breaking into the Somersworth residence, which is allegedly the woman’s mom’s home, he had broken into her Dover, New Hampshire, apartment multiple times, the Herald reports.
“He was released with pretty strict bail conditions,” Deputy Strafford County Attorney Emily Garod told WMUR. “But it is an ongoing concern of ours, the safety of the victim during the pendency of this case, so that is why we asked for him to be held pending trial.”
Damian-Guerrero was released on $2,500 cash bail and is required to wear a GPS tracking bracelet. He has also been ordered to not enter the state of New Hampshire, and he is to have no contact with the woman, per WMUR.
If anyone has any information about this case, they are encouraged to call the Somersworth Police Department at 603-692-3131, Crimeline at 603-692-9111, or submit an anonymous tip through their website via
The way people’s minds are set up, she’s lucky she made it out of this situation alive.