Rose McGowan Slams Kim Kardashian on Instagram [Photo]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 11 years ago

kim rose

Kim Kardashian participated in the popular-yet-sometimes-annoying Throwback Thursday hashtag on Instagram yesterday, and actress Rose McGowan took it as an opportunity to take a clever shot.

Kim posted the below photo of herself posed on top of a blinged-out Range Rover wearing a pink Juicy Couture tracksuit along with the caption: “#TBT I miss you boo



Rose McGowan later reposted the photo and added a caption of her own:

And a big farewell to hideous terry & velour Juicy Couture. Conspicuous consumption never ends well.

While it looks like a superficial comment in reference to Kim’s choice of attire — there is an ambiguous message there.

“Conspicuous consumption” could easily be referring to the retail aspect with the likes of once-popular brands that have fallen from grace (i.e. Juicy Couture, Ed Hardy, etc) but also to the world’s obsession with Kim and the Kardashian family.


Clever, Rose. 


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