Robin Thicke’s Mom Reacts to Miley Cyrus’s Performance: ‘I Can’t Unsee It’ [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 11 years ago

Robin Thicke Mother Gloria Lovebscott Miley Cyrus

Everybody has an opinion on Miley Cyrus’ VMA performance…but what did Robin Thicke’s own mother, Gloria Loring, have to say?

omg! Insider caught up with Mama Thicke to find out her thoughts:

She said, “I just keep thinking of her mother and father watching this. Oh, Lord, have mercy. … I was not expecting her to be putting her butt that close to my son. The problem is now I can never ‘unsee’ it.”


While she can’t take back what she witnessed, the “Blurred Lines” singer’s mom did manage to mention her favorite — and least favorite — parts of the performance.

“Him? Loved it. I love that suit, the black and white suit. I don’t understand what Miley Cyrus is trying to do. I just don’t understand. I think she’s misbegotten in this attempt of hers,” Loring said. “And I think it was not beneficial.”

Watch the video below to see what else she had to say.


In Miley’s defense, it takes two to tango.

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