Rihanna Steals Title for Most YouTube Views From Justin Bieber + Hits Fan With Microphone During Performance [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 12 years ago

Rihanna Marilyn Monroe

Rihanna has officially dethroned Justin Beiber, becoming the most viewed artist on YouTube.

Rihanna’s channel, which has existed since May 2009, has 3,784,030,789 views. Meanwhile, Bieber’s official channel, which turned up in September 2009, has 3,782,989,210 views.



In other Rihanna news, a video has surfaced showing what looks like Rihanna popping a fan in the face with a microphone after he got a little too aggressive during a stop on her Diamonds World Tour. Ouch!

Check it out below!

UPDATE: Clearer video. Rihanna definitely smacked that fan with her microphone.


via Mashable

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