Nicki Minaj Fires Back at ‘Anaconda’ Cover Critics, Questions Why Her Big Ole Booty is ‘Unacceptable’ [Photos]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 11 years ago


Nicki Minaj dropped her super racy single artwork for “Anaconda” yesterday, and as you’ve probably seen the Internet has had a LOT to say about it.

Nicki herself took to Instagram to defend her bootylicious cover, by posting photos of primarily white models in thong bikinis with their asses out along with the caption ‘acceptable’.

She also reposted her own cover (above) with the caption ‘unacceptable’.


From what we understand, Nicki’s trying to point out the double standard between women of color exposing their bodies and receiving tons of backlash vs white women exposing their bodies in a similar manner and not getting the same reaction.

We get her point, but using a known swimsuit magazine specifically geared towards men wasn’t the best idea to illustrate that point — just our thoughts.

Check out some of Nicki’s reactions below.






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