BY: Ashley Blackwell
Published 1 month ago

Have you thought of any New Year’s resolutions to consider? If not, this is the read for you.
As you may know, many start the top of the year with black-eyed peas, collard greens, grapes, and vision boards. Undoubtedly, a sense of euphoria comes with the beginning of another 365-day trip around the sun. Most are on a mission to make up for the previous cycle’s mess-ups, while some are just looking forward to whatever is on the other side of the glitter hats and paper whistles.
Fancy planners and folded arms are viewed as the go-to guides to getting some order in your life, and Jan. 1 is the day everything we journaled about accomplishing is supposedly set in motion. From eating less and exercising more to organizing our homes and decluttering our workspaces, you name it, it’s noted. This is the time when lifestyle and career changes are prioritized. And… despite social media’s debate(s) about it, we’d like to say… go you!
While the world is filled with turmoil, deciding to focus on your incoming triumphs over the trials and tribulations is the only thing getting us through. New beginnings. Old endings. Fresh paths. You (we) deserve it all.
A lot can happen in a year… and we’re claiming it won’t take place on the “Strongest Soldiers” list. Here’s what you should add to your 2025 goals.

6 New Year’s Resolutions to Consider Writing Down
1. Know when to walk away from anyone/anything that no longer serves you.
Let’s face it… we’ve all stayed with toxic lovers, fake friends (even family), bad environments, and dead-end jobs longer than we should have. Because of this, we’re left stressed and depressed. Choose peace. Most importantly, choose yourself. Life is too short to be unhappy at the cost of others. Delete the contact, block the social media account, send in the resignation letter, and move on. You deserve better than to be in spaces where you’re unwanted and undervalued. No more settling for less! Be it a partner or a pay grade.
2. Start a saving system… and stick to it.
Times are hard for everyone, and the economy seems to get even more hectic. Create a saving challenge for yourself and practice discipline. Even if it’s small amounts each week, bi-weekly, or at the end of every month, start somewhere. Too often, we put money away but return to retrieve it for the sake of a Chipotle bowl or a new pair of shoes. Not any longer. You never know when a rainy day may come. Stay prepared, so you won’t have to get prepared — rain, sleet, or snow.
3. Set rest days without guilt.
Take the off day, or your body will do it for you. Your mind has already been begging you for it. Those jobs will be there. You’re still a good parent, even if you’re not at your best and need a moment to yourself. You’re not an awful friend just because you didn’t answer that call or text. As cliché as it may sound, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Step away, and refill and re-energize. You’re doing more damage by continuing to push with no breaks.

4. Forgive that person you’ve been holding a grudge against.
Forgiveness is for you — not the other person. The cold-hearted truth is that people will wound us with no bandaids or apologies to give. However, we must be adult enough to accept it for what it is and let that hurt go. Yes, it’s painful. Yes, it’s frustrating. But, the longer you hold on, the longer you delay your healing. Forgiving someone doesn’t require reconnection or reconciliation. Wish them well, and keep on trucking. One day, they’ll regret how they did you but don’t push forward, hoping they’ll spin the block and realize the error of their ways. Some individuals never do (or even if they do, they won’t admit or take accountability for it), and that’s okay.
5. Do that thing you’ve been putting off for a while.
Procrastination and perfectionism are fear’s twin cousins. You’ve been telling everyone and their mothers that you were about to start your business for the past three years, but you haven’t. You’ve told your therapist about that non-profit idea you’ve been sitting on since two summers ago, but it’s still just… a thought. That podcast you’ve gotten the domain name for? It’s collecting dust. It’s time to act on what you’ve been called to do. Without the excuses. Without the what ifs. You’ll forever be stuck wondering, “What if?” if you don’t try. Even if it fails, there’s always a chance to do it again. And again. And again. And again, until you finally get it right.
6. Monitor your social media time.
Regardless of whether we believe it or not, digital devices affect our mental health more than we’ve actually come to accept. Comparison is the thief of joy, and the internet is a playground for it. Aimlessly scrolling through your newsfeed, watching everyone else live the life they are “supposed to be,” is only making room for overthinking and negative emotions. Limit how many hours you spend on these apps… and your following list. Set a cut-off time, and only follow people with content that resonates with you. Remember, online users only show highlights of their day-to-day. Not the ugly. Not the times when they didn’t know how, when, or if they would make it to tomorrow. Don’t beat yourself up trying to compete. After all, everyone’s still figuring out this thing called life. No matter the age.
Which of these New Year’s resolutions to consider will you implement into your life this year? Comment below!