Must Watch: Frustrated Student Schools Teacher on How to Do Her Job [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 12 years ago

jeff bliss student

High School student Jeff Bliss launched into a mini-tirade after being ordered to leave his World History class at Duncanville High School in Texas, reportedly for asking too many questions.

Before exiting, he gave a passionate speech directed at his teacher about the value of teaching properly.

“You want a kid to change and start doing better? You gotta touch his frickin’ heart. Can’t expect a kid to change if all you do is just tell him,” he says.

“I’m telling you what you need to do. You want kids to come into class, to get excited for this? You gotta come in here, you gotta make them excited.”

“And when you come in here like you did last time and make a statement about, ‘Oh this is my paycheck,’ indeed it is. But this is my country’s future, and my education.”

“You’ve got to take this job serious. This is the future of this nation.”

Many viewers supported the student’s views and criticized her response, while some felt he was out of line to call her out in this fashion. The school district issued a statement, confirming that administrators are “aware of the video and we are currently addressing the situation.”


Watch Jeff tell his teacher exactly what’s on his mind.

Kudos to Jeff for attempting to challenge the system!

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