Monica Brown Pursues Her Dream of Becoming a Nurse [Photo + Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago


Who knew Monica Brown wanted to become a nurse?

Early this morning, Monica revealed that she’s splitting her time between the studio and the hospital floor as she pursues her ‘other dreams and aspirations’.

She captioned the above photo of herself wearing scrubs:


“I have other dreams and aspirations so I Pursue them when my babies are asleep & my musics done!! Moral of the story #WeCanIfWeBelieve never give up on your dreams #YOUCAN #BeenAtWorkSince7yesterday #ThankGODforMyMomAndPa #ScrubsAndAMandatoryThermal #DatHawkBITIN LOL#UKnowItsColdWhenIGetThisPale LOL”

We’re not even mad! You only get one life — so regardless of your circumstances you should never be afraid to go after your dreams!

Monica also shared a video of a homeless man sleeping in her car while she worked the graveyard shift. along with a friendly reminder to lock your doors!

Lawd it’s always something ???? all I can say it lock your doors when you work the graveyard shift LOL #OrAnyShiftForThatMatter #NoOneWasHurt #IWasTired #ButWhatInTheSamHillHell #ThePoPoWereNotPlaying #HowHeChoseMyTruckToGoNiteNite #JesusTakeTheWheelLITERALLY #HellWeScaredEachOther LOL #WasntFunnyWhenItHappenedTho ??????#ThatBrickGotEmGoneMadRoundHere LOL

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