Mike Brown Update: Autopsy Reveals Mike Was Shot 6 Times, National Guard Deployed to Ferguson [Photos]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago

mike brown protests

Here are the latest developments in the ongoing Michael Brown incident:

Mike Brown’s family released the results of a private autopsy and it was revealed that he was shot at least 6 times. Two of the shots were to the head, indicating that Mike was in a slumped over position and that the head shots were the final shots fired.

Dr. Michael Braden, the ex-New York City chief medical examiner who performed the autopsy, also told the New York Times that Brown suffered four gunshot wounds to his arm. There was no gunpowder residue on his person, so it’s not likely that he was shot at close range. That determination could change pending tests on Brown’s clothes.


mike brown autopsy

One of the shots traveled through Brown’s eye, face, jaw and through his collarbone, leading the medical investigator to deduce that Brown would have died even if he was given medical assistance immediately.

Meanwhile, the city of Ferguson saw another night of protests and increased police activity. Last night, police threw tear a gas at peaceful protestors hours before the city-wide imposed curfew — hitting children and media in the process.

In response to last night’s events, Gov. Jay Nixon deployed the National Guard in hopes of calming tensions and restoring peace.



St. Louis County police and the FBI have also latched on to the investigation as of Monday.

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