Lil Kim Announces She’s Having A Baby Girl + ‘Royal Princess’ Themed Baby Shower [Photo]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 11 years ago


Contrary to earlier reports from the baby’s father, Lil Kim has announced to the world that she’s having a little girl! 

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She made the announcement via Instagram, along with a ‘save the date’ for the upcoming baby shower.


“Happy Easter everyone !!!! What a perfect day to share this wonderful news with U. The fab @davidtutera is throwing my royal baby shower for my lil’ princess 5/10/14!!!” 

The baby shower will be held on May 10 in New York.

If you’re slightly confused, as are we. It was just a few months ago that Mr. Papers said the two were having a boy and that he was due in May/June.

Either way, we’re looking forward to seeing photos from the upcoming shower!


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