Kris Jenner Teases Fans with Fake Baby North, Talks Kim Kardashian’s Dramatic Labor & Post-Pregnancy Rumors [Photos]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 12 years ago

Kris Baby North

Knowing that speculation was rife that baby North would make her first public appearance on Monday’s Fox premiere, Kris Jenner tweeted a picture of her cradling a dark-haired baby just minutes before the show started.

‘You never know who will stop by our show today #watch Kris, she wrote.

She held on until the very end of her first hour before appearing with the newborn, only to hand the infant over to its mother… her stylist Monica.

Kris then said she wouldn’t ‘kidnap’ Kim’s baby and insisted her daughter would be revealing the month-old in due time.


She went on to discuss Kim’s crazy labor & other post-pregnancy rumors.

She denied that Kim is in hiding under her orders so they can get raise the price of North’s first picture and laughed:

‘She’s free to go wherever she wants, Kim isn’t locked in the closet.’

Kris Talk Show

She also said that Kim and Kanye won’t be marrying in Egypt. The most interesting part of her story is when her co-host, Cameron Mathison, asked how the family managed to get Kim from the house to the hospital with no one noticing.


‘There’s a little back story to that,’ she said. ‘I was doing Good Day LA, they had sent a limo for me to do it so I was offline as it’s live TV, I hate opening my Blackberry after that and then I’ve got an email from Kim marked ‘”urgent.”‘

‘For Father’s Day she had been planning this big thing for Kanye,’ Kris explained.

‘He’s obsessed with Apple so she wanted to get memorabilia but she had got nowhere, so she called Steve Wozniak and he said he’d bring her a mouse, drive it all the way down from San Francisco and meet Kanye for brunch.’

‘I thought the email was about that but when I opened it, it read: “I have to have the baby today, get here today, fast.”‘


‘So I say to the limo driver, who I don’t know at all “sir can we make a pitstop?” There’s 300 paps outside Kim’s house, the guy takes a detour and the paps start clicking away… the poor guy doesn’t know what’s going on.

“But we get Kim in the limo and I start trying to put the elaborate plan we had set in place for five weeks away with decoy cars and security, thinking how am I going to do this?’

‘I call my friend for decoy car, and the plan is we get to the hotel and switch cars.

‘We go to the hotel, Kim’s under the blankets tapping away on her phone and I’m like, “who are you emailing?” “I’m emailing Steve Wozniak,” she said.


‘”Could we stop with the Woz!” I told her, let’s go to the hospital!’

‘We get to the hotel, and we’re so smooth but when Kim pops up, I see Steve Wozniak and his wife Janet standing in the foyer!’

‘Kim then heads over like nothing’s wrong to chat to Steve and Janet, she’s acting like she’s at a cocktail party and I’m panicking.’

‘Finally we get in the getaway car, and Kim lies down then yells “mom, hit the floor” we’re in a Mini Coupe and there was no room, but I did it.’


‘Then at the hospital, we hit the secret carpark, we head in through the secret elevator and through the kitchen and then we have a baby.’

‘I went back on Father’s Day and guess who was in the room? Steve Wozniak.’

Kris didn’t go into detail about baby North and after disappointing her audience with the baby double, told America that she wouldn’t be bringing her granddaughter onto the show.

“That would be kidnapping, I wouldn’t do it to Kim, just give her some time and peace and she’ll be out showing her off herself,’ she continued.


We must say, we watched Kris this morning and we were impressed. We hope it gets picked up for a full run!

via DM

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