Jamie Foxx Sings Tribute to Channing Tatum on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live': 'I want to Channing all over her Tatum' [Video] | www.lovebscott.com

Jamie Foxx Sings Tribute to Channing Tatum on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’: ‘I want to Channing all over her Tatum’ [Video]

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Well, this was hilarious!

Shortly after The Oscars last night, White House Down co-stars Jamie Foxx and Channing Tatum made an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live. Jamie had nothing but great things to say about working with Tatum, even prompting him to go into a tribute song.

 I see a pretty lady across the bar / She smiles at me and gets right in my car,” he crooned. “And I know I wanna Channing all over her Tatum!

Get into Jamie’s tribute below! Pure comedy!


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