5 Ways to Show You’re an Ally to the LGBTQIA+ Community

BY: Jasmine Tianna

Published 8 months ago

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Ally of the Pride community
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In the month of June, we celebrate all things Pride. From parades to social media posts, we acknowledge the community and all that it has overcome. We look around at our friends, neighbors, or even some of our family and recognize that we are surrounded by people who are a part of the Pride community. So, how do we show up for them as an ally? 

Being an ally to the LGBTQIA+ community means respecting and being genuinely concerned about queer people. It means speaking up against bigoted people and showing up and out for your friends, family, or peers who celebrate Pride. Here are a few ways to show you’re an ally. 

Join the Pride Parade 

Every year, a parade celebrates Pride, and many people show up in their best outfits, representing who they are. You don’t have to be part of the queer community to take part and celebrate in the joy that is PRIDE. Everyone appreciates support (and a good time)! 

Ally of the Pride community
Getty Image Credit: Rawpixel

Educate Yourself 

Many of us have a very surface-level understanding of the LGBTQIA+ community, so to be more supportive, show that you care and have conversations with the people in your life who are queer. It is OK not to know everything; you can educate yourself through research and exploring the issues that matter most to the LGBTQIA+ community. 


Respect the Pronouns

Understanding the pronouns of a queer person is like knowing a person’s name, and you wouldn’t want to say the wrong thing. That is why understanding the pronouns of your friend, family member, or peers is extremely important. You want to address them in the way they want to be recognized. For instance, a queer person’s pronouns can vary and include he/him, she/her, or they/them. Always ask what they prefer, and don’t assume someone’s pronouns. 

Ally of the Pride community
Getty Image Credit: Gabriel Trujillo

Donate to LGBTQIA+ organizations

There are many organizations within the Pride community you can donate to as well. Organizations such as The Trevor Project (which focuses on queer people who are suicidal), Pride Foundation, Genders & Sexualities Network and many more. To learn more about how you can make donations, click here

Showcase Your Allyship 

As you drive down the road or on the highway, you might notice a few cars with stickers expressing “Queer Lives Matter.” This is just another way you can show you are an ally. Whether it is a sticker on your car, a hat referencing that you care, or a shirt, by doing this, you help create a space for folx to feel safe, which is all that matters. 

Ally of the pride community
Getty Image Credit: Rawpixel

It’s important to stand up for what is right because, in the end, we are all human beings worthy of love and respect. So regardless of how you choose to express your alliance, it’s essential to take the steps needed to help queer people feel safe.

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