High School Teacher Investigated for Showing Students Before & After Photos of Her Boob Job

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago


A high school teacher is being investigated after showing students before and after photos of her breast augmentation on her iPhone.

Melissa Kidd, 34, showed what have been described as ‘obscene’ photos of her breasts prior to undergoing breast augmentation as well as the final results of the procedure to three students, aged 16 to 18.

Kidd teaches at Woodside High School in Newport News, VA and was in the school building when she pulled up the photos.


One of the students alleges he or she saw more. According to court documents, ‘One juvenile victim additionally reported being shown nude photographs of Kidd’s breasts and genital areas’.

According to the Smoking Gun, which obtained the probable cause statement, police first searched her phone in April, and filed a warrant in May to do another search of the device to extract more data.

Melissa Kidd has since quit her job.

It’s not the worst thing we’ve heard of a teacher doing with students, but it was definitely a bad judgement call on her part.



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