Hate It or Love It? Make-up Free Kim Kardashian Shows Off Her Custom Hermes Bag from Kanye [Photos]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 11 years ago

Kim Kardashian Kanye West Christmas Hermes001

What do you get the woman who seemingly has everything?

We’re sure that’s a question Kanye asked himself this holiday season before deciding on a custom Hermes bag featuring a painting by contemporary artist George Condo. Kim was seen sporting the bag around Woodland Hills, CA yesterday during a shopping trip.

While the cost of the finished product is not known, it can be estimated by the fact that a Hermes Birkin the size of Kim’s retails for around $16,000, while one of Condo’s paintings, The Manhattan Strip Club, sold at auction last year for a whopping $1.3million.


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Tweeted out a photo of her bag on Thursday, saying: #HandPaintedGeorgeCondo #HermesBirkin #OneofOne #ChristmasPresentFromYeezy

That’s such a priceless gift…what do you think of it?


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