Fireman Fired for Threatening to Run Over Black Lives Matter Protesters on Facebook

BY: Denver Sean

Published 9 years ago


Former firefighter James ‘Jimmy’ Morris no longer has a job with the Columbia, South Carolina Fire Department thanks to his crass comments about Black Lives Matter protesters.

“Idiots shutting down I-126,” the 16-year veteran of the department wrote in a post shared on his Facebook around 10 p.m. Sunday evening. “Better not be there when I get off work or there is gonna be some run over dumb asses.”



His post was in reference to highway closures and traffic changes resulting from a Black Lives Matter rally against the raising of the Confederate flag outside the South Carolina State House.

As if that one post wasn’t enough, he continued with a second one:

“Public Service Announcement: If you attempt to shut down an interstate, highway, etc on my way home, you best hope I’m not one of the first vehicles in line because your ass WILL get run over! Period! That is all.”

The Columbia Fire Department wasn’t having it. Columbia Fire Chief Aubrey Jenkins released a statement announcing Jimmy’s termination.


“The Columbia Fire Department has always had a positive reputation of providing professional standard of public service to its citizens, communities and visitors. We are honored and proud to live and participate in the communities we serve. Unfortunately, a member of the Columbia Fire Department has discredited the reputation of the men and women who serve this Department.

An employee with the Columbia Fire Department has been terminated as a result of conduct unbecoming of City of Columbia employee. This decision was made to ensure our communities that the Columbia Fire Department will not condone or tolerate this type of unprofessional behavior by any employee.

I would like to assure the citizens of the City of Columbia and Richland County that this one poor decision should not reflect the character, dedication and professionalism of the men and women of the Columbia Fire Department.”

We’re going to call him ‘Jobless Jimmy’ now.



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