Drama! Nicki Minaj and Safaree Get Into a Nasty Argument Over Stolen Credit Cards, Alleged Stabbings, Fake Hairlines and More [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 7 years ago

Ex-lovers Nicki Minaj and Safaree are quarreling in public again.

In an interview with Funk Flex, Nicki took a few shots at Safaree over the old ‘he wrote her wraps’ claim and spilled some alleged tea about Safaree stealing one of her credit cards.

TEA #NickiMinaj #Queen #Queen #Flex #Hot97 #Safaree

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Safaree took to Twitter to defend himself and push back on Nicki’s claims.



Nicki still wasn’t having it. She accused Safaree of stealing her card — again — and called him out for having a fake hairline.



Safaree then came back to Twitter to say Nicki’s lying and offers up emails as proof.


…and Nicki then brought up his dick pics.


Safaree, still not satisfied with how this is going, told Nicki to find her inner peace and leave him alone.


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