Deserved? Rape Victim’s Boyfriend Beats the Sh*t Out Of Her Alleged Rapist [Photo]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago


You’re looking the mugshot of William Mattson, a South Carolina man who’s accused of raping a woman on New Year’s Day.

When the alleged victim’s boyfriend caught him with the woman, he beat him all the way down.

And get this — William Mattson is the guy’s uncle!


According to Myrtle Beach Online, the police report shows that the nephew of Mattson was the boyfriend of the alleged rape victim. The boyfriend had brought his girlfriend to his father’s house after attending a New Year’s party, only leaving her alone in the house for a time. Upon returning, this nephew reports he heard “moaning” coming from the room he shared with his girlfriend.

The nephew says he kicked the door down only to find his uncle on top of his girlfriend, raping her. Enraged, the alleged rape victim’s boyfriend attacked Mattson and drove him from the home. The nephew then called the police.

Mattson told a different story when he returned to the house after the police arrived. He agrees that his nephew dropped the girlfriend off and left, but afterwards it’s said the girlfriend and Mattson began drinking together. Mattson told police that both of them began hugging and kissing while he was fully clothed and the girl was naked under a blanket. It’s then claimed that the nephew found them this way and began to attack. When Mattson’s nephew heard this story, police say he lunged at the other man and began ripping into his face again.

When officers from the Conway Police Department questioned the girlfriend she claimed that nothing was consensual. Police officers then arrested William Mattson and charged him with first degree criminal sexual conduct. The nephew was not arrested since it’s claimed he was acting in defense of the victim.


Who do you believe — the nephew or his uncle?

[via Gawker]

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