Ciara Attempts to Clarify ‘#LevelUp’ Tweet Amid Backlash + Did Future Throw Shade Her Way?

BY: Denver Sean

Published 7 years ago

Ciara took to Instagram in an attempt to clarify her reason for sending out that poorly-received ‘#LevelUp’ tweet the other day.

If you missed it, Ciara tweeted a sermon basically shaming single women who aspire to be wives for not having the right spirit — whatever that means.

Anyway, CiCi says she was just speaking from a place of personal experience.


Peep her full explanation below:

In related news, Ciara’s baby daddy Future may have fired off a shady tweet aimed at his ex.

While Ciara’s been catching heat all day on social media for her initial tweet, Future tweeted the following:


He didn’t name Ciara by name, but we all know who he was talking about.

Do better, Future.

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