Chris Brown Sentenced to 1,000 More Hours of Community Service [Photos + Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 11 years ago

Chris Brown 1000 Hours Community Service Lovebscott 3

After several discrepancies were discovered in Chris Brown’s community service logs (time he was serving for the Rihanna incident), Chris Brown has been ordered to complete 1,000 more hours of community service. He must also report to probation, which has been re-instated until August 2014.

As we reported, the D.A. believes the singer violated his probation in the Rihanna beating case by submitting bogus community service reports — in one case even swearing he was picking up trash in Virginia when he was actually on a private jet to Cancun.

The judge revoked Chris’ probation last month in the wake of hit-and-run allegations, but reinstated it today on the condition Chris completes an additional 1,000 hours of community service.


Think of it like a do-over — because of the discrepancy in Chris’ original labor hours, the singer won’t get ANY credit for service he may or may not have completed since his conviction. Chris was originally sentenced to 180 days of community labor (1,440 hours).

Unlike last time — when the judge said Chris could complete his labor in his home state of Virginia — the judge today ordered that Chris’ service must be supervised by L.A. County officials.

Chris can choose between Caltrans (aka highway cleanup), beach cleanup, probation alternative work services (PAWS), or our personal favorite … graffiti removal.

You know what the say: you win some, you lose some. Check out a clip of Breezy in court below!


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