Chris Brown Helps Raise $50,000 for Domestic Violence Program [Photo]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 12 years ago


Chris Brown made a surprise appearance while in Houston for NBA All-Star Weekend to Minnesota Viking’s player Adrian Peterson’s “All Day Foundation”, a program supporting several domestic violence prevention programs.

When Chris, 23, showed up at the event, the audience was, understandably, surprised! However, Adrian had invited him to come meet the girls’ basketball team, where he posed for pictures with all of them, including Adrian’s girlfriend Ashley Brown.

“This is a cause that is close to my heart, and I appreciate that Adrian invited me to be here,” the R&B star said in a press release. “He’s a role model for any athlete or person. As far as his faith and determination are concerned, he is legendary.”


Adrian also supports Texas Council on Family Violence in Houston and Cornerstone in Minneapolis.

Chris is no stranger to the charity world. For the past four years, he has been involved with the Jenesse Center in LA. Through his own charity, the Symphonic Love Foundation, he awarded 11 scholarships to the Debbie Allen Dance Academy recently.

Adrian explained that he was “impressed by the amount Chris gives back through his charity work and how he’s constantly striving to become a better man.”

“God can forgive, so can we,” Adrian added.


via Hollywood Life

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