BY: Denver Sean
Published 11 years ago
Oxygen’s newest reality show, Preachers of LA is making quite a splash. The show documents the oft-glamourous lives of six high-profile megachurch pastors both inside and outside of church. T.D. Jakes wants to make sure that his congregation knows that he’s nothing like the men on the show — drew in more than 1.1 million viewers, making it the strongest Wednesday season premiere for the network.
EEW Magazine reports Jakes spoke to his congregation at the Potters House in Dallas, TX about the controversial series.
“Now, I know you been watching that junk on TV. I want to tell you right now, not one dime of what you’re sowing right now will buy my suit,” he said. “I want you to know my car is paid for. I want you to know I got my house on my own. I want you to know I’m not bling-blinging. I am not shake and bake. I had money when I came to Dallas and I plan to have some when I leave.”
Jakes continued, “You did not buy what I got. I had it when I came here. You know I had it when I came here. The devil is a lie! I have sold enough books and produced enough movies. I don’t need your offering to pay for this little slimy suit. So I rebuke that spirit in the name of Jesus Christ. […] I’m not from L.A. I’m from Dallas!”
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