Azealia Banks Responds to Skin Bleaching Criticism: ‘There’s No Difference Between a Hair Relaxer and Skin Lightening’ [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 9 years ago

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Azealia Banks is bleaching her skin and isn’t ashamed to admit it.

If you’ve noticed, over the last few months Azealia’s skin has gotten lighter and lighter and many fans have taken to her remaining social media accounts to call her out on it.

Instead of shying away from the controversy, Azealia is opening up and explaining her viewpoint. She says that her beaching her skin“is just the continuation of the falsification of self that comes with being Black in America,” in a lengthy response video posted to Facebook.


“What’s the difference between getting a nose job and changing your skin color? What’s the difference between getting a hair weave and changing your skin color? There really isn’t a difference. For so many people to say that [me wanting to lighten my skin] negates anything I’ve said about the state of Blackness in America is ignorant,” says Azealia in the clip.

She also calls out other celebrities for lightening their skin and not getting any criticism.

“I think it’s contradictory — especially since so many of our favorite stars have lightened their skin. Some of my favorite artists — look at Diana Ross. I would never say that Diana Ross is any less of an artist because her skin is lighter. Like, come on! hat was the style! That was the 70s, disco-fever style. Who cares?”

Watch below.


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