Awkward: ‘The Price Is Right’ Awards Treadmill to Wheelchair-Bound Contestant [Video]


Published 10 years ago


Talk about awkward.

On an episode of The Price Is Right that aired earlier today, a wheelchair-bound contestant with no legs won a sauna. Seems normal, right? Well, the contestant was also awarded a treadmill. Yikes!

Luckily a viewer captured the cringeworthy moment and uploaded the footage to YouTube.


The contestant handled the incident brilliantly, but we can only imagine the thoughts running through host Drew Carey’s head.

The Price Is Right is no stranger to awkward moments; just last month, a model on the show accidentally revealed the price of a Hyundai Sonata before the contestant was able to guess correctly.

Watch Danielle win a sauna… and a treadmill below. You seriously cannot plan for something like this.



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