You Be The Judge: Kylie Jenner Shows Off Her ‘Natural’ Lips [Photos]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago


Kylie Jenner took to Instagram Sunday morning to show off her ‘natural’ lips.

She captioned the above photo:

you know it’s gonna be a good Sunday when ya weaves out & u haven’t put ur face on yet


Since Kylie always denies the use of fillers or injections and attributes her new ‘full’ lips to a simple over-lining makeup technique, that would mean the lips you’re seeing now are Kylie’s God-given lips.

Take a look at Kylie’s lips from a little over a year ago.

Screen Shot 2015-01-12 at 9.58.45 AM

And again from a few months before that…



Kylie, girl….the jig is up. Love your new lips. Own your new lips.


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