Wouldn’t You? Trump Place Residents Petition to Have His Name Removed from the Building

BY: Denver Sean

Published 8 years ago


A group of residents living at Trump Place in New York City are petitioning to remove Donald’s name from their tony Upper West Side high-rise complex because it’s “embarrassing.”

via NY Post:

“He’s a jerk. I don’t respect him. I don’t want to be in a building that’s blaring his name. His name used to be gold — but now its fools gold,” Trump Place resident, Robert Stern, told The Post.


At least 81 residents at 220 Riverside Boulevard near 72nd Street have signed a petition to rename the tower — and to tear down its “Trump Place” sign, according to the real estate website Brick Underground.

An online petition to “dump the Trump name” at 160 Riverside Boulevard had also raked in 277 signatures by Sunday.

Another resident said the sign makes her cringe when friends visit.

“It’s embarrassing to live in the building. I’ve had lots of friends make comments about it. My kids are so disgusted with Donald Trump that they find it viscerally uncomfortable to live in a building that has his name on it,” the unnamed woman told Brick Underground.


It could cost between $200,000 and $1 million to rename the building and replace the sign, cutting into the capital fund of the building, she said.

Cool, so what can we do about those Trump Hotels?

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