Love, Pride & Identity: What Does LGBTQIA+ Stand For?

BY: Jasmine Franklin

Published 4 months ago

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Love, Pride & Identity: What Does LGBTQIA+ Stand For? Here’s Everything You Need to Know
Credit: Canva/oneinchpunch

The acronym LGBTQIA+ has become more visible in recent years, reflecting the different sexual orientations and gender identities within the community. But what does LGBTQIA+ stand for? Understanding each letter in this acronym leads to better understanding and respecting queer identities. LGBTQIA+ evolved to include a broader spectrum of identities. The plus sign represents anyone whose identity doesn’t fit within the traditional boundaries of the acronym, creating space for inclusivity.

The History of the Inclusive Acronyms

The Stonewall Inn
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Sadly, before the inclusive acronyms that many know, the term to describe queer folx was extremely limited. Although the term “gay” dates back as far as the 13th century—for its original meaning of “happy,” “jolly,” etc. — it was widely used in the 1940s and 1960s to refer to all same-sex couples per GoodRx.

It wasn’t until the “Gay Rights Movement” that people realized “gay” wasn’t inclusive enough for all members a part of the community. DAP Health reports that as the movement grew, a rift between gays and lesbians started, and lesbians wanted their own identity; they believed gay men were just like heterosexual men—misogynists. Therefore came the birth of the “GLBT” acronym; however, the “G” starting off the acronym further struck a cord in the lesbian community.


Jump to the ’80s with President Ronald Reagan and the start of the AIDS epidemic. Society quickly labeled it the “gay plague” due to the alarming rate of gay men affected. Furthermore, the queer community felt no one cared that they were dying from a disease that affected everyone. The community quickly came together to fight against the epidemic and harsh stereotypes against them. Activists and organizations adopted the term “LGBT” as the fight continued.  

Over time, activists and allies saw the importance of including identities like transgender, queer, etc., expanding the acronym to reflect the entire community better.

What Each Letter Represents

Inclusive Pride Flag
Credit: Canva/Africa Images

So, what does LGBTQIA+ stand for? Let’s break down each letter and explore the identities within this vibrant acronym.

  • L is for Lesbian: A woman or feminine-presenting person attracted to other women. This identity has long been recognized as part of the community, offering representation for women-loving women.
  • G stands for Gay: It refers to men or masculine-presenting people attracted to others of the same gender. “Gay” can also serve as an umbrella term for anyone who is attracted to the same gender.
  • B stands for Bisexual: This identity describes people attracted to more than one gender. Bisexuality challenges binary thinking about attraction and emphasizes the fluidity of sexuality.
  • T stands for Transgender: Transgender people have a gender identity or expression that differs from their assigned sex at birth. “Trans” is often an inclusive term for all gender-diverse identities.
  • Q stands for Queer or Questioning: “Queer” serves as a reclaimed umbrella term for anyone who feels outside traditional gender or sexual orientation norms. “Questioning” offers space for those still exploring or unsure about their identity.
  • I stands for Intersex: Intersex people are born with physical or genetic characteristics that don’t fit traditional definitions of male or female. This identity highlights the natural diversity of human bodies and challenges binary ideas about sex.
  • A stands for Asexual: Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others. While asexual people may still experience romantic attraction, their experiences highlight the diversity of human relationships.
  • + stands for All Others: The plus sign includes additional identities such as nonbinary, genderqueer, pansexual, and more. It ensures everyone has a place within the community, even if their specific label isn’t listed.

The LGBTQIA+ acronym is more than letters; it celebrates diverse experiences and calls for inclusivity. Understanding what LGBTQIA+ stands for isn’t just about knowing definitions. It’s about appreciating how people experience love, identity, and community. As language evolves, so does the LGBTQIA+ community, striving to ensure every identity has the space to thrive. So, next time someone asks, “What does LGBTQIA+ stand for?” you’ll have the knowledge to share and inspire understanding.

How do you explain the meaning of LGBTQIA+? Let’s chat in the comment section below.

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