Watch: Customer Confronts Starbucks Employee Who Stole Her Credit Card & Charged Up $200 in Groceries [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 9 years ago

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A California Starbucks employee got busted this past weekend for stealing a customer’s credit card and racking up a $212 grocery bill.

After filing a police report and contacting the Starbuck corporate office, the customer and her brother drove back up to the Starbucks to confront the woman who took her card — and recorded the whole thing.

I’m going to say, I hope them $212 were worth it of groceries yesterday because I filed a f**king police report and your corporate already knows about it,’ the woman says in the clip.


‘They recorded your a** and everything. You took a copy of my f**king card the other day on New Year’s Day. You know what you did.’

The cashier immediately apologized, but the woman wasn’t having it — plus, she wanted the cashier to verbally admit what she did.

‘So what are you sorry about? That you took f**king money from me and my kids? What are you sorry about?’ she asked.

‘I’m sorry that I took money from you and your kids. I’m sorry that you had to come up here. I’m sorry that this is inconvenient for you.  I am a good child. I swear I am really good. I really do go to school. I’m 19. I play soccer,’ replied the cashier.


Watch the confrontation below. Would you have gone back up to the Starbucks — or would you have just let law enforcement deal with it?

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