Watch: Beyoncé and Nicki Minaj ‘Ice Grill’ Each Other During Rehearsals [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 9 years ago

nicki minaj beyonce tidal rehearsal ice grill

Beyoncé shared a behind-the-scenes clip from the ‘Feeling Myself’ rehearsal with Nicki Minaj for their Tidal X: 10/20 performance that took place last week.

In the clip, Bey tells Nicki to ‘ice grill me as long as you can’ to ‘see who cracks first.’

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the term ‘ice grill,’ it’s defined by Urban Dictionary as:


A term originating from jail. An aggressor would “ice grill” his victim before shanking him. It is a jailhouse cold-blooded stare that is supposed to strike fear into the soul of your victim, to let him know that it is officially ‘on.’ When someone ice grills you for real, you will know it, and you will know its about to go down! It will let you know that you’re about to get your throat slit while you’re drinkin’ your milk.

The ladies did it a few times… and well, watch below and see who kept cracking first.

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