Wack 100 Urges Self-Acceptance In Response To Serena Williams Whitewashing Controversy [Photo]

BY: Walker

Published 4 years ago

The tennis champion faced skin bleaching accusations after she shared photos on social media, but fans claimed her makeup poorly done.

via: AceShowbiz

Wack 100 may be the last person to be affected by criticism leveled at Serena Williams over her controversial photos, but that doesn’t stop him from weighing in on the matter. Making use of his Instagram account, the music executive shared a message of self-love in response to the social media backlash against the athlete.


On Friday, May 7, the manager of such artists as The Game and Blueface posted a side-by-side photo of the tennis ace’s unedited pic and one of the images that have sparked whitewashing claims. In the caption, he wrote, “To each his own but I don’t wanna believe this – And if this picture is authentic I wanna say WE AS A RACE have to look at ourselves.”

“NO EXCUSES but Ima speak on it,” he continued. “WE are the first ones to make jokes about a BIG NOSE or LIPS or Kinky hair or how BLACK one is. This makes a person say well if this is wrong that over there is right !”

Reminding that different races may have different beauty standards, he stated, “BEAUTY IS OUR BEAUTY. A Asian woman features may be unattractive to another races eyes but BEAUTIFUL to that RACES eyes.”

Wack went on noting that he didn’t mean to shade anyone with his statement, “FOR THE RECORD I LOVE US AND WHAT MAKES US US – let’s not bash but learn so maybe we won’t have another one of our public figures trapped in the twilight zone – #HumbllySubmitted.”


Serena faced accusations of skin bleaching and applying makeup to make herself seem lighter after posting several new photos on her Instagram page. The tennis ace, who is known for her on-court fashion statements, later deleted the pics without offering an explanation to the controversy.

Despite Wack’s message to support one another, some people still reacted to his post with negative comments on Serena’s look in the photos in question. “This giving me ‘Get Out’ vibes,” one person wrote. Another claimed, “She look like the Wayans in white chicks.” A third one similarly added, “Giving me white chicks vibes oh you wanna talk about mothersssss.”

Actress Moniece Slaughter, on the other hand, has come to Serena’s defense, arguing, “Honestly. I don’t think it’s anything more than over exposed lighting. No lash extensions and a poorly installed wig which is also lifted in color. We’re also used to seeing her without her hair in her face. Let’s also take into consideration the corporation she partnered with and whose responsible for the edits!” Another, meanwhile, blamed the controversy on “makeup mishap.”


Leave Serena alone.

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