Tyra Banks Launches Her Own Makeup Line ‘TYRA Beauty’ [Photos + Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago


Tyra Banks has added yet one more business to her ever-expanding empire. The supermodel turned mogul has announced the launch of TYRA Beauty, her brand new makeup line.

“The creation of my cosmetics experience has been years in the making,” Banks tells PEOPLE. “Do you know how good it feels to finally be able to tell the world why I attended Harvard Business School?! I truly learned how to master building and leading my own cosmetics experience.”

“Without makeup, I would have never been a supermodel,” says Banks. “I don’t wake up with naturally sculpted cheekbones — I paint them on! I believe makeup is the great beauty equalizer.”


The line focuses on three distinct areas..

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“TYover,” which is a collection of stick-based cosmetics featuring Tyra’’s “proprietary ‘TY-Guide Technology’;” “Smize,” which is a collection of eye makeup; and “It Factory,” which is a based on cosmetics used on the runway.

“The TYRA Beauty cosmetics experience has a lot of innovative elements,” says the supermodel. “I’m obsessed with being different, unique, a leader. Our new beauty business is all about bad-assery. I’m approaching beauty differently: bigger, bolder, badder.”


If you’re looking to find it in stores, you’ll have to wait. Ty’s taking the AVON-approach and the cosmetics will be sold by independent contractors called “Beautytainers.”

“We are accomplishing my ultimate dream: to give people the power to be their own boss while setting their dreams free,” says Banks, who will train her Beautytainers through the online TyraU, which provides them with tips and tricks to run their own businesses. “I feel fully armed to share and teach all I learned [at Harvard] with Beautytainers across the country, and later, the world!”

Tyra says TYRA Beauty is a 100%  self-funded start-up project — and to that, we say you go girl!

For more information, visit TYRA.com


[via PEOPLE]

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