Terrible: Football Fan Wears a President Obama Mask with a Noose Around His Neck at Wisconsin Game [Photo + Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 8 years ago


A fan attended the Nebraska/Wisconsin football game at Camp Randal Stadium in Madison, Wisconsin on Saturday night wearing a President Obama mask and a noose around his neck.

Another attendee took a photo of the outrageous costume and shared it via Twitter. As you can imagine, lots of people found it offensive and contacted authorities to have the fan removed — including sportswriter Julie DiCaro.



University of Wisconsin-Madison police responded, saying that while they don’t agree with the fan’s message that he’s protected under free speech.

Julie (and others) weren’t buying that and challenged the police department’s response.



The offensive fan and his friend were seen exiting the stadium a little later — but it’s unclear if they were forced to leave or were exiting on their own free will.



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