Taylor Swift’s Twitter Gets Hacked, Hackers Threaten to Leak Her Nude Pictures

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago


Taylor Swift has become the victim of a Twitter hack.

Two hackers going by the names of @lizzard and @veriuser are claiming to be from the notorious Lizzard Squad — a hacking collective claiming to be responsible for recent web takedowns — including last night’s Facebook and Instagram outage.

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The hackers posted a few messages from Taylor Swift’s Twitter page this morning threatening to post naked photos of the country-pop star.

Her Instagram page has been hacked as well.

Taylor Swift Instagram Hack lovebscott

Taylor’s aware of the hack and Twitter already shut down the alleged hackers’ accounts.


There’s a chance the hackers could totally be bluffing, but as we’ve seen — no one’s photos are ever really safe.

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