Tamar Braxton Defends Her Right to Her Feelings After Facing Backlash from ‘The Real’ Bullying Segment [Photo]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago

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Tamar Braxton had an emotional moment on ‘The Real’ yesterday when she broke down in tears discussing how hurtful K. Michelle’s ‘muppet’ comments have been.

After the segment aired, Tamar faced a bit of backlash from trolls claiming Tamar often exhibits the same bully-ish behavior she’s on-air crying about.

Tamar addressed the criticism via Instagram. See her defense below:



Adrienne Bailon also shared more words of encouragement for Tamar via Instagram.

Adrienne wrote:

Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do…
Remember, No matter what you think or see, there is always something more to a person. Always something you don’t know about them.


My life has honestly been blessed personally knowing Tamar. She is a light. She is a friend that will hold you until you stop crying when your heart hurts. A friend you can call when you need advice, Someone you can truly trust. A friend that will take your hands and pray with you when there is nothing left to do. Encourage you along the way… And share tears with you in your happy moments.
Tamar, I KNOW YOU… And I love you.
Think carefully before you insult someone for who they really are. At least they are courageous enough to open up about it.

@tamarbraxtonher #WCW #SisterFriend
#TamarBraxton #StopBullying

We’ll just end this post by saying that bullying is never okay.

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