BY: Denver Sean
Published 8 years ago
After Trump’s comments from 2005 supporting sexual assault surfaced, Hillary Clinton (like most of us) went on record saying how disgusting and deplorable his comments were.
With what Trump surrogate Betsy McCaughey thought was a good strategy, she went on CNN and tried to defend Donald using Beyoncé lyrics.
It’s no secret that Hillary has praised Beyoncé in the past, but Betsy took that and somehow twisted it into Hillary somehow condoning talk of sexual assault.
“I abhor lewd and bawdy language. I don’t listen to rap music. I don’t like that kind of thing… but Hillary Clinton—” she said, before Don Lemon questioned why she’s referencing rap music. Betsy tried to explain the ties, saying, “I mentioned rap music because it’s full of the f-word, the p-word, the b-word, the a-word…”
She continued,
“Hillary Clinton expresses that she finds the language on the that bus ‘horrific,’ but, in fact, she likes language like this.” Betsy then began quoting “Formation,” saying, “‘I came to slay, bitch. When he F’d me good I take his ass to Red Lobster.'”
“That [the lyrics] happens to be from Beyonce, her [HRC’s] favorite performer, whom she says she idolizes and would like to imitate.” Because of that, Betsy concludes, “There’s a lot of hypocrisy in Hillary Clinton expressing such horror at the language on the bus.”
What kind of sense does that make? Check out the clip below.
"All that, and a @Beyonce reference," said @donlemon. Here's the @Betsy_McCaughey moment our host was referencing
— CNN Tonight (@CNNTonight) October 11, 2016
As you can imagine, the BeyHive is letting Betsy HAVE it on social media.