Say What Now? Woman Dies in Car Crash While Posting How Happy ‘Happy’ Makes Her Feel

BY: Denver Sean

Published 11 years ago


If there were ever a time for tragic irony, this is it.

A woman in High Point, N.C. died in a car crash yesterday after her car veered onto the median and into an oncoming truck. Investigators claim that the crash was a result of her posting about Pharrell’s “Happy” to her Facebook page.

At 8:33, Courtney Ann Sanford shared on her Facebook:


“The Happy Song makes me so HAPPY.”

At 8:34, the High Point Police Department was called with a report of the crash. Further investigation into Sanford’s online activity revealed she was also taking frequent selfies as she drove down the highway.

Sanford was letting her friends know how happy she was at that moment, and sadly that moment was one of her last.

The driver in the truck Sanford hit was not injured.


There are so many things we could say about this unfortunate incident. Number one — no texting and driving.


via Gawker

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