Say What Now? Man Crashes Virtual Class and Threatens to Lynch Black Fifth-Grade Students

BY: Walker

Published 3 years ago

An accused racist Zoombomber is under federal investigation for allegedly entering a virtual classroom of a predominantly Black Louisiana school, and hurling racial epithets.

via: Revolt

According to, court documents were filed in a New Orleans federal court accusing Brian Adams of bombarding the Zoom class for the fifth-grade students of Laureate Academy Charter School in Harvey on the morning of Oct. 14, 2020. “You all are a bunch of dirty niggers,” he allegedly said. Adams then allegedly went on to tell the class of mostly Black students, “I am gonna hang you by the tree.”


Prosecutors say they have a recording of the incident from Adams’ YouTube account. In the clip, they said the students were crying and covering their ears. The teacher removed Adams from the session, but he reportedly made another account and logged back into the classroom to continue the verbal racist attacks before he was permanently ejected. Laureate Academy canceled class for the remainder of that day and the next two days.

Students told school administrators about a video of Adams’ “Zoombombing.” The footage was posted on a page titled “Arch angel gaming” and included a film of Google searches for pictures of swastikas. The 45-year-old allegedly used the handle “alex jones,” which is a reference to the far-right conspiracy theorist and radio show host of the same name.

In November, authorities raided the home where Adams lived, which belonged to his father. They seized all of his electronics and questioned him before he admitted to hurling the racist insults and threats at the young kids. Prosecutors also stated that Adams confessed to stealing more than $1,000 worth of computer equipment by using Best Buy rewards points he had looted from another person’s email address.

So far, Adams has not been charged with a crime, but he is under probe for threatening interstate communications and interference with federally protected activities.


Lock him up.

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