Say What Now? Hungry 5-Year-Old Calls 911 to Order McDonald’s While His Grandmother’s Sleeping, Cops Deliver [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 6 years ago

A Michigan 5-year-old kid called 911 to place a McDonald’s order while his grandmother was asleep.

Instead of reprimanding the child and teaching him not to play with emergency services, police rewarded the boy by bringing him a meal.

via NYDN:


“Can you bring me McDonald’s?” Iziah Hall asked dispatcher Sara Kuberski, according to WZZM-TV in Grand Rapids, Mich.

Kuberski reportedly told the boy that’s not something she could do, but shared word of the call with on duty patrolmen. One of those cops, officer Dan Patterson, found the April 14 request funny so he decided to respond to the call and make sure everything was okay.

“I’m driving past McDonald’s on my way there and I might as well get him something,” Patterson reportedly said.

However, he received anything but a hero’s welcome when he made his delivery. According to the report, Hall told him, “My grandma’s gonna be so mad. Can you please go away?”


His fellow officers appreciated the gesture, with one colleague saying news of Patterson’s good deed made his night.

According to the report, the McDonald’s order was made possible when Hall came across a deactivated phone while his grandmother was napping and managed to make a WiFi connection.

Watch the video below.

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