Say What Now? Father and Son Beat & Tried Drowning a Man Over a Pokémon Go Dispute [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 7 years ago

A 71-year-old father and his 30-year-old son are in jail after they allegedly beat and tried to drown a man over the hit smartphone game, Pokémon Go..

The attack happened as the two sides battled over a virtual gym at Kirkwood Park.

Robert Matteuzzi, 71, and 30-year-old Angelo Matteuzzi have each been charged with third-degree assault.


via KDSK:

According to police, during a Pokemon Go hunt, the victim thought the suspects stole his gym that is part of the game. Police said the victim then threw a Gatorade bottle into the suspect’s vehicle.

Police said Robert later found the victim in another area of the park and threw the Gatorade bottle back at him, which hit him in the face.

5 On Your Side talked to the victim Tuesday night, who said the attack was unprovoked.


“They did mention that they wanted for my two friends to leave until I was alone,” the victim said.

The victim said after one of the suspects threw the bottle at him the two eventually got into a fight.

“A scuffle pretty much happened in the grass and eventually they threw me in the lake,” the victim said.

A father said he was leaving the Kirkwood Pool with three of his children when he saw the victim being attacked by two men. The father doesn’t want to be identified.


He says he recorded cell phone video of the fight and stepped in to help because he thought the victim could’ve have been killed.

Police say a video taken by the bystander showed Robert holding down the victim while Angelo punched the victim several times in the face and head.

The victim told 5 On Your Side they then threw him the lake.

“They attempted to drown me while I was attempting to get out,” the victim said. I was submerged for like two seconds one time. Extremely weak. Trying to hold on to the rocks. They were going to pull me under and try to kill me.”


The victim said he suffered facial abrasions, a traumatic eye injury and a broken fingertip.

“The fingernail is almost completely torn off. I have bites on the insides of my palms. A swollen left eye,” the victim said.

The victim said the recent attack wasn’t the first time he’s had run-in with the father. He said last year the suspect and another one of his relatives also attacked him over Pokemon Go.

“The Kirkwood police didn’t do anything about it after I pressed charges so that was little upsetting,” the victim said.


Both suspects are likely to appear in court Wednesday morning for an arraignment. Their bond is set at $15,000 each.

Pokémon has NEVER been that serious.

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