BY: Denver Sean
Published 7 years ago
Thousands of fans have signed a peition demanding that NBA superstar LeBron James replace Betsy DeVos as the United States’ secretary of education.
The petition was drafted by Rebecca G. and has received more than 6,500 signatures as of Wednesday night.
via Complex:
Rebecca describes DeVos as “a scandal-ridden Republican donor who shows an inexcusable dislike for public education, wants to gut protections for women and minorities, and has advocated for teachers to be armed in schools.” While James is lauded as “an inspiration to kids all over the country. He’s shown he cares about America’s youth and understands the power of public education in helping children meet their true potential.”
The petition was posted more than a week after James opened the I Promise School in his hometown of Akron, Ohio. The elementary school opened its doors to 240 third and fourth grade students, who will receive free tuition, uniforms, food, bicycles, and helmets as well as guaranteed tuition to the University of Akron for graduates.
James spoke about I Promise during a recent interview with CNN’s Don Lemon. During the sit-down the 33-year-old athlete criticized the president for causing division in America.
“He’s dividing us,” he said. “And what I’ve noticed over the past few months [is] he’s kind of used sport to kind of divide us, and that’s something that I can’t relate to, because I know that sport was the first time I ever was around someone white, and I got an opportunity to see them and learn about them, and they got an opportunity to learn about me, and we became very good friends.”
Trump predictably responded via Twitter, writing: “Lebron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do. I like Mike!”
So, it’s safe to assume DeVos won’t get the boot anytime soon. But perhaps this petition will inspire James to pursue politics following his NBA career. Again: Crazier things have happened.
We think what LeBron did with his school is fantastic — but let’s not get carried away.