Say What Now? Developer Creates MAGA App to Help Trump Supporters Find Safe Spaces Where Liberals Won’t Make Fun of Them

BY: Denver Sean

Published 6 years ago

If you’re looking to harass a Trump supporter, look no further than a newly-created app 63rd Safe.

Technically, the app was designed to help the pro-MAGA find ‘safe’ spaces in public where they can go without the fear of being ridiculed by liberals — but you could most definitely use it for the opposite.

via Raw Story:


As the Daily Beast reported over the weekend, the new mobile app 63red Safe was designed to help Trump supporters find “MAGA-friendly restaurants” whose owners will not let antifa activists harass them for wearing pro-Trump clothing.

“63red Safe works like a conservative Yelp,” the publication reported. “Instead of reviewing the lighting and ambience, though, the site’s users rate restaurants and other businesses on a series of four questions, including whether the restaurant’s owners make political social-media posts and whether they allow customers to carry weapons.”

Appearing on Fox News, app creator Scott Wallace explained what could get a restaurant or other business branded as “unsafe” for fans of President Donald Trump.

“Users can review the restaurants and businesses, it’s just four quick questions, yes-or-no questions,” he said. “No. 1, does this location serve all customers regardless of political beliefs? Will they protect their customers if they’re under attack by others in the restaurant? There’s the open carry question, and does the location have a political presence in their social media?”


What a joke.

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