Sam Smith Responds to Howard Stern Calling Him a "Fat, "Ugly Motherf--ker" |

Sam Smith Responds to Howard Stern Calling Him a “Fat, “Ugly Motherf–ker”

Sam Smith

Howard Stern’s been saying awful and obscene things about people since the 90s. So while we’re not shocked at his recent comments about singer Sam Smith, that doesn’t mean Stern’s words don’t hurt.

Howard referred to sam as “fat” and an “ugly motherf*cker” — but he says that’s what he likes MOST about Sam.

“You know what I like about the guy? He’s an ugly (expletive). He’s fat…Is he gay? He looks gay to me, not that anybody looks gay, but he does seem effeminate…I like that he’s chubby and gay,” Stern said. “That’s why I love him. He’s one of those guys I feel like, he’s really good but I feel like [“Stay With Me”] will be his only hit song.

“That’s how good that song is,” he added. “He’s fat and he’s gay and little girls worship him. That’s when you know you have a good song and a good voice. I’d like to get him in here to congratulate him on beating the odds. He’s like the male Adele.”

Sam Smith caught wind of Howard’s comments and offered a simple response via Twitter:


Don’t let it get to you Sam.

[via E!]

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