Safaree Samuels Hints He’s Getting His Own VH1 Show [Photo]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago

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Would you watch a reality show focused on Nicki Minaj’s ex-boyfriend Safaree Samuels?

Safaree took to Instagram to share the above photo of himself posted up in the VH1 office along with the caption:

So there’s this Man above called God I pray to.. Last thing I checked he ran the world… Not humans.. #blessed #2coast1day #STUNTGANG #andnothisaintLovenhiphop #iwouldnever #nothingwrongwithitbutitaintme #myshit #no1elses #Wouldyouwatchmyshow???


To be honest, we don’t know much about him — so we can’t quite decide if we’d watch it or not.

If we’re keeping it all the way real, Safaree would probably fit right at home on Love and Hip Hop with a few other personalties to keep us entertained.

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