Russell Simmons Offers a Helping Hand in Flint, Michigan [Video] |

Russell Simmons Offers a Helping Hand in Flint, Michigan [Video]

Screen Shot 2016-02-01 at 1.40.58 PM

Def Jam co-founder Russell Simmons went door-to-door this morning to deliver free cases of AQUAhydrate water to residents of the city suffering from the Flint Water Crisis.

via AP:

Simmons, founder of RushCard, said he just learned about the city’s water crisis a couple of weeks ago, but wanted to lend a helping hand for folks affected by the toxic water.

After speaking to people directly affected by the situation, Simmons said he now has a better idea of how he wants to assist.

In this video, Simmons talks about his love for Flint and how he plans to help.

“Being here makes all the difference,” Simmons said. “I love Flint. I used to come here with Run DMC all the time. We used to almost live here. For some reason this was the place that loved us the most.”

Flint needs all the help it can get. Check out the video below as well as a few snapshots from Russell’s visit to the city.

Still hearing more stories of the people affected.. #FlintWaterCrisis #aquahydrate #rushcard

A photo posted by Russell Simmons (@unclerush) on

RP @michaelskolnik A little joy for some young people that are suffering through the #FlintWaterCrisis.

A photo posted by Russell Simmons (@unclerush) on

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