Rihanna Slams Cocaine Use Rumors After Video Surfaces Online: ‘Any Fool Can See That’s a Joint’ [Video]

BY: Denver Sean

Published 10 years ago


Earlier this morning, a video hit the internet of Rihanna ‘allegedly’ doing cocaine.

Now, we saw the video, and it didn’t look anything like she was doing cocaine to us. However, once social media got ahold of the video, the ‘Rihanna’s on coke’ rumor spread like wildfire.

Rihanna took to Instagram to set the record straight and respond to the drug accusations.


In a series of replies, she slammed the rumors and uploaded another clip proving there was no cocaine to be found.

Here’s the original video that sparked the rumors:

Here’s her response:

Reply on @1ezmoney video. Thanks @bermudanavy @fre3ticketsdeeznutz ?? His caption said Bae was snorting coke ????????????   A video posted by Eject Reject Witcho Rachet Ass (@rihplies) on


Here’s video uploaded by Rih taken at a different angle that shows there’s no coke to be found:

Ghetto yout’ at ‘chella!

A video posted by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on

Any questions?

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