BY: Denver Sean
Published 13 years ago
Everybody seems to be buzzing about Lana Del Rey. She’s easily become 2012’s most over-hyped anticipated breakthrough artist. We certainly know that her live performances leave much to be desired…but does her debut album deliver? Continue reading for my track-by-track review.
1. Born to Die – This is honestly the most depressing song I’ve heard in a while. I’m not talking lyrical content, but everything from the instrumentation to the melody made me want to slit my wrists. I get why people like it — it’s different, but I honestly don’t see how people sit and listen to this.
2. Off to The Races – This is more like it. It’s interesting, engaging, captivating…THIS is what should have opened the album. It has a retro-alternative classical vibe (yes, I totally just made that up…but it makes sense) that I really like. I’d love to hear a more urban remix of it.
3. Blue Jeans – Eh. Boring. Pretty, but boring.
4. Video Games – This is the first song most people heard from Lana, the song that started the insane hype machine. Considering everybody is still riding the Adele bandwagon, it’s easy to see why this is a crowd favorite.
5. Diet Mountain Dew – Finally, the album starts to pick up the tempo. I feel like if Lady Gaga (think “You and I”) + Adele gave birth to a song in 1996, this could easily be it.
6. National Anthem – Easily one of my favorites from the album. What I like about Lana is that she tries many different vocal styles and on this record, she actually raps over military inspired snare drums and heavy strings. One of the more interesting moments of the entire album.
7. Dark Paradise – It’s not too far from “National Anthem”, but it’s much more melodic. It’s an incredibly sad song.
8. Radio – Do yourself a favor. Play the intro, skip to the bridge. You’re welcome.
9. Carmen – Honestly, at this point during the album I’m just waiting for it to be over. I feel like I’ve been listening to the same song for half an hour.
10. Million Dollar Man – Pretty sure this is what they were listening to as the Titanic went under.
11. Summertime Sadness – Another incredibly sad song. I already heard these same drums on “National Anthem”.
12. This What Makes Us Girls – It’s cute.
13. Without You – I skipped it at the 0:47 mark.
14. Lolita – I actually played this one twice. Finally, something interesting…but I’m not sure what makes it interesting.
15. Lucky Ones – A fitting outro. Blah.
Overall: I clearly didn’t have much to say about this album because I feel like I’d be saying the same things over and over again. I could write “dark, brooding, orchestral, with pretty vocals” next to every single song title and it would be accurate. The album as a whole bored me, but I get why people are in love with her. She’s, for a lack of a better description, a more alternative version of Adele…and she’s gorgeous. Her voice is really interesting and I’d love to hear her do an aggressive electric guitar-driven rock ballad.
Songs Worth Listening to: Dark Paradise, Lolita, National Anthem, Video Games