Rematch? Chris Brown & Drake Offered $1 Million to Box Each Other

BY: Denver Sean

Published 13 years ago

Talk about turning a negative into a positive!

The controversy behind who really started the  Chris Brown vs. Drake debacle at a New York City nightclub has died down, but one boxing promoter sees the incident as an opportunity to cash in. Donald Freedman, the owner of Celebrity Boxing, has offered the dueling stars a chance to settle the score once and for all, and make $1 million in the process.

If they were to agree, Brown and Drizzy would square up on August 25 a the charity match at the Los Angeles Staples Center.

 Although Brown and Drake have stopped talking about the altercation, the backlash is far from over. In the days after both crews littered one another with champagne bottles, the club’s manager was arrested on outstanding warrants, the venue was shut down, and NBA baller Tony Parker filed a $20 million suit for getting wounded in the melee.

Of course neither party has any reason to respond to Freedman’s nonsense, mostly because they don’t need the money. Brown is busy prepping the release of his Fortune album next week, and Drake is “25 sittin’ on 25 mil.”

Nonetheless, Freedman, who has put together 55 celebrity matches,  called the potential battle “the most interesting of them all.”

via Hip-Hop Wired

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