Reatha ‘Rose’ Grey From TikTok’s Retirement House Dead at 75

BY: Walker

Published 3 weeks ago

Actress Reatha Grey, famous for her work with the viral comedy group Retirement House, has died.

On Jan. 20, the remaining members of the senior-focused comedy group confirmed the news with a video post on Instagram and TikTok, where they celebrated Grey as a friend and radiant personality. Retirement House is a popular social media comedy group made of seniors who are actors. The group gained attention on platforms like TikTok and Instagram for its antic-loving sketches and participation in viral challenges.


“Our dearly beloved friend Reatha ‘Rose’ Gray has passed away,” Jerry Boyd, who portrays Curtis on social media, says in the clip.

“You may remember her as the hilarious Grandma Rose at Retirement House, but of course, we remember her as a member of our family,” adds Gaylynn Baker, known as Mabel.

“She was hilarious, thoughtful and, above all else, loved interacting with everyone, especially those of you who tuned in to ‘Retirement House’ and made her final years so memorable,” says Chuck Lacey, who plays Eugene.


The video highlighted old videos featuring Grey from her time at Retirement House and a conversation about her advice about life in general.

“You have to grab that bull by its horns and just take it down and have no fear,” the late actor can be heard saying in the clip. “Do things that make you happy, take time for yourself. And last, but I think probably most important, is to always love. People will try to poke you and do things to make you hate them. Just pay no attention to that. Just love and forgive, and you’ll have a very happy and fulfilled life.”

“Rest in peace, Reatha’ Rose’ Grey,” the caption for the post reads.

“Granny Rose, you will be missed dearly,” one user wrote in response to the post. “Keep shining down on us. I’m in real-life tears.”


“I’m sure your hearts are hurting too, but thank you for sharing Ms Rose with us,” another replied. “What a beautiful light she is and will remain with these incredible experiences and memories of her. We love you all and Rose.”


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