R. Kelly Denies Woman’s Claims They Engaged in Sexual Encounters While She Was Underage

BY: Denver Sean

Published 7 years ago

Another bombshell account from a woman who claims she had sex with and was physically abused by R. Kelly when she was underage surfaced yesterday and now R. Kelly is denying the claims.

His reps issued a statement calling the woman ‘dishonest,’ despite her providing receipts and documentation to back up her story.

It reads:


“The allegations against Mr. Kelly are false, and are being made by individuals known to be dishonest. It is clear these continuing stories are the result of the effort of those with personal agendas who are working in concert to interfere with and damage his career. Mr. Kelly again denies any and all wrong doing and is taking appropriate legal action to protect himself from ongoing defamation.”

Whatever. He knows what he did.

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